Refund Policy

You may return your fully functional and undamaged items for any reason within 30 days of receipt, for a full refund. Shipping and handling will not be covered -- you are responsible for all return costs. Please note that if you do not return your items within 30 days of receipt, we cannot process a refund.

If you find that you have received an item that is damaged upon arrival, and contact us within 7 days of receipt, you will be eligible for a full refund and will not have to pay shipping and handling costs associated with the return. We take full responsibility for any and all defects that may have occured during shipment.

Initiating A Return

To initiate a return, please contact us at and we'll get you sorted out ASAP.

If you are unsure whether or not your particular case constitutes a 'faulty product' case, please send us an email at and we will do our best to help you out. Customer satisfaction is a number one priority for us, and we will generally go above and beyond our policies (within reason) to ensure that you have a pleasant experience.


When You Can Expect Your Refund

Once a refund request is submitted and processed, you can expect your original payment method to be credit within 1-3 business days (depending on your financial institution).